Snow will soon be falling and whether you’re the type of person who lives for those chilly

white flakes or dreads the thought of it, most of us, especially on the East Coast and Northern

States, eventually will be treading in the white snow.

One question that gets asked a lot, when it comes to walk-behind snow equipment, is which is

better - wheeled machines or track machines?

Truth is each system is great, for the right terrain and job. So, let’s take a quick look at some

of the features and benefits of both.

Cost nowadays is always on everyone's mind. Wheeled machines will have a lower cost than

tracked machines. Usually that’s only by a hundred or so dollars so it’s usually not a deal

breaker for everyone. But if you don’t want or need a specific feature it will be worth the

consideration of the extra cost.

Tracked machines, even though at a higher cost, offer much better traction then wheeled

machines in tough packed snow. Do you have inclines with traction issues? Is your area

prone to heavy dense snowfalls? A track machine should be top on the list to consider. It is

certainly easier to let the snowblower pull itself through in deep snow then you pushing it


Wheeled machines have less traction than a tracked machine but they are easier to

maneuver around tight areas. Tracked machines can be bulky and hard at times to move. Do

you need something that’s easier for you to turn in and out of small spaces? Is your driveway

mainly flat with not much of any traction issues? Is your area less prone to those heavy dense

snowfalls? Then a wheeled machine should be on your mind.

Both will do the job for you when the snow falls but how well they do it will be the difference

for your specifics. Consider the terrain of your area you need to clear and the type of snow

your area is prone to. When it’s cold out and you need that driveway cleared quickly, make

the job as easy on yourself as you can by considering the right traction for your needs.